Burial Records
The single best online source for White Rock Cemetery burials is the database at FindAGrave.com:
It currently only includes about 900 people out of an estimated 4,000 believed to be buried there. We are working on a more comprehensive and accurate list, which we plan to post here in the future.
For deaths after 1912, official Virginia death certificates will confirm the place of burial in the lower right corner of the form. They can be found online through Ancestry.com or FamilySearch.org:
Early map of White Rock Cemetery, circa 1882, found in the Diuguid Funeral Home Collection. Note the standard plot size of 16’ x 16’, laid out in blocks of six plots with 4’ walks between them.
Courtesy of Old City Cemetery/Southern Memorial Association
There were 374 individual plots laid out in this early survey of the cemetery. The central entry driveway is present-day Blair Street.
Courtesy of Old City Cemetery/Southern Memorial Association